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Lee and Associates | Property Business Tax Specialist | BrisbaneLee and Associates are specialists in property business taxation. Helping large, medium small business with all their tax accounting needs.
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REHABILITATION | DEAAM Medical EquipmentWith application of bio-mechanical and medical mechanism, the system enables 3D treatment by setting the lesion, according to the direction and type of disc hernia.
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Cold room, condensing unit, refrigeration unit-Cryo SystemsCRYO SYSTEMS products include cold room, cold storage, blast freezer, refrigeration unit, condensing unit, evaporator, condenser, ice machine, etc.
Pingle Group-Flour Milling Plant of WheatPingle Group product markets cover major grain producing areas across China, and the products are exported to 40 countries and regions including Brazil, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Russia, Britain, and Tajikistan.
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